Packing Extractor Tool
As it is known, a race against time has started in maintenance works today due to the efforts to shorten the downtime in enterprises. The Packing Extractor Tool provides an easy and quick way to extract the gland during maintenance or replacement in all equipment using soft packing. These can be in dynamic applications such as centrifugal pumps, piston pumps, mixers, reactors and pulpers, as well as in static applications such as valves, tank and boiler covers, manholes and handholes. It is extremely suitable for removing and extracting soft packing that have become petrified, hardened and almost blocked in the sealing slot during the maintenance and repair of equipment. At the same time, it is one of the most important advantages of the product that the shaft on which the soft packing works is not damaged during the dismantling process. Thanks to this product, less time is spent on maintenance of the equipment and downtime is significantly shortened. There are different types and sizes of parts for different applications in the set. Each set consists of 22 pieces in total. You can see the contents of the set below. FLEXIBLE BODY APPARATUS: SMALL-SIZE 2 Pcs MEDIUM SIZE 2 Pcs BIG SIZE 2 RIGID BODY APPARATUS: MEDIUM SIZE 2 Pcs BIG SIZE 1 PIECE DRILL BIT: 6 pcs SCREW HEAD: 6 pcs KEY: You can reach the brochure about our product, which will facilitate the work of 1 Piece Maintenance team, on the right side of the page. Please contact our company for more detailed information.
The parts that seal between two machine parts, one moving and the other stationary, are called packing gland. Gland is a material that is generally used in places such as taps, pumps, shaft bearings. If force is desired to pass through a machine part, but fluid is not desired, a gland must be put in between. The alternative to the gland is precision surface treatment methods, which are processed with very expensive methods, but still do not guarantee tightness for a long time. By using gland instead of these methods, it is possible to provide sealing in a cheap and safe way. Providing sealing between moving parts; It depends on factors such as speed, temperature, pressure and chemical properties of the medium fluid. Among the factors affecting the sealing property of the packing are; Packing box design, packing placement method, surface cleaning of shaft and housing and shaft runout are also included.
What is the Packing Extractor Tool?
In all of the equipment that uses soft packing, a seal removal apparatus is used in order to perform the shaft seal removal process quickly and easily during maintenance or replacement. There are different types of packing. One of them, the sleeve type packing, is designed to prevent leakage that may occur along the valve shaft. The most commonly used type of asbestos packing in the form of a braid lubricated with a suitable lubricant in packings that can be made of many materials. Sealing must be provided by over-compressing the filler shaft, without making it difficult to operate, and it must be changed when the packing becomes too thin to be tightened. In the gland tightened with double bolts, the filling material that provides the sealing should be tightened by applying equal pressure from both sides. At the time of compression, care should be taken to shorten the spindle movement. When the packing becomes worn and unusable, it should not be neglected to replace it. If the valve is used in hot service, a lantern with a cooling habit can be placed between the filling. In some high pressure services, this method can be used to retain the fluid that may pass through the first part of the packing. The bell-type packing assembly can be used very efficiently in cases where the fluid is particulate. Because thanks to the lantern, the sealing is reduced and the valve shaft wear and contamination is prevented. In injection type packing, injection fluid is not supplied when the valve is under normal operating conditions. There is a ball check valve inside the packing assembly. Moreover, for a safer operation, it may be a right step to put a valve between the check valve and the injection point. For the injection of the sealing liquid, the adjusting screw is pulled, the liquid is supplied to the line and the small valve is opened. The adjusting screw is tightened until the leakage is stopped, then the valve is tightened and the missing liquid is replenished.
What Does the Packing Extractor Tool Do?
Packing extractor tool; It provides easy and fast packing removal process during the maintenance or replacement of all the equipment in which soft packing is used such as pump, pulper, mixer, valve. Since the machines are generally used in the industrial sector, the use of packing is at the highest level in the industrial sector. At the same time, glands are used extensively in the half sector. There are two different types of packing, soft and mechanical.
What are the Advantages of Packing Extractor Tool?
The packing extractor tool simplifies the process by making the packing removal process quick and easy. It has the feature of being a material that definitively solves the packing sealing problem. Although force must pass between the machine parts, on the other hand, it may be possible to use a gland to prevent the passage of fluid products between the machine parts.
What are the Features of the Packing Extractor Tool?
There are some features that an ideal gland should have. These features can be listed as follows: It should be suitable for ambient conditions such as pressure, temperature, speed and fluid of the environment in which it will be used. The packing should be able to be used in different conditions and thus the stock types should be minimized. In the first break-in period, the gland and the gland seal should adapt to the housing in a short time and easily. It should be elastic enough to absorb the shaft secretion in motion. It should not cause excessive friction and heat. It should not have a corrosive effect and should not abrade the shaft. It should not lead to the need for frequent maintenance and adjustment. It should be flexible enough to be bent at the desired diameter, and no deformation should occur in its cross-section when bent. At the same time, the ideal seal should come to the fore with its long life and economics.
What are the Usage Areas of the Packing Extractor Tool?
Packing extractor tool; It is used during the maintenance or replacement of all the equipment in which soft packing are used, such as pumps, pulpers, mixers, valves. Packing, which is one of the oldest elements used for sealing purposes, has types produced from materials of vegetable origin, animal origin, mineral and synthetic origin. It is possible to provide sealing by compressing the packing rings with the effect of a force in the axial direction. This sealing method is mostly preferred to be used in pumps and valves.