Two Component Steel Putty

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Fixstix is a two-component steel paste. It consists of two intertwined components. When these two components are mixed, they react and harden within 20 minutes. Being in the form of a mixture does not require amount adjustment and allows the desired hardness to be reached every time. As the component will not react unless it is mixed, its shelf life is infinite. Determining the amount to be applied and cutting and mixing in that way will reduce the consumption because the mixed product hardens in a very short time. Fix Stix, which has been used successfully in many applications in the industry, can be especially used with success for leaks in equipment such as tanks, radiators, repairing damaged surfaces, repairing broken teeth, etc. Please contact our company for more detailed information.

Determining the amount to be applied and cutting and mixing in that way will reduce the consumption. Because the mixed product hardens in a very short time.

Fix Stix, which has been used successfully in many applications in the industry, especially; It can be used for leaks in equipment such as tanks, radiators, repairing damaged surfaces, repairing broken teeth, etc. has been used with success.

Please contact our company for more detailed information.


Teklif Al